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Study recruitment

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.. _recruitment:

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Recruit subjects via phone
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.. figure:: /_images/recruitment-contact.png

1.  Click on **Studies** on the front page. Then click on **Execution** in the
    field **Status** to only show studies that are currently recruiting.
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2.  Click on **Recruitment** next to the study you want to recruit subjects for
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3.  By clicking on **Add**, relevant probands will be shown to you
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4.  Press the **Contact** button to contact the person you want to reach
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    -   **Email**, **Phone number**, a potential **Phone number alternative**
        and / or the **Address** will be shown to you in the tab **Contacting details**.

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5.  Contact the potential subject using the specified method
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    -   Please have a look at the **Talking points** that the study coordinator has
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6.  When you received a response from the potential subject, select a **Status
    of participation**
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    -   Choose between:
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        -   **not reached**
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            (Please note the appointment in the calendar)
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        -   **follow-up scheduled**
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            (Determine the date and time of the recall appointment below)
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        -   **awaiting response**
            (This may apply if you left a message on the answering machine or if you
            sent an e-mail.)
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        -   **participating**
        -   **excluded**
            (This may apply if recruitment attributes of the person do not comply with the
            requirements of the study, if a person is not interested in the
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            particular study or if a person is not available during the data
            collection of the study)
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    -   Click on **Save**
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.. _recruitment-mail:

Recruit subjects via mail

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.. note::
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    Recruitment via mail is only possible if it has been :ref:`configured
    <study-recruitment-settings>` by the study coordinator.

1.  Click on **Studies** on the front page. Then click on **Execution** in the
    field **Status** to only show studies that are currently recruiting.
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2.  Click on **Recruitment** next to the study you want to recruit subjects for

3.  Go to the **Mail** tab

4.  Enter the number of subjects that you want to contact

5.  Click **Send**
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.. hint::
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    The section **Previous mails** will appear after you have sent your first
    batch of mails. It lists all contacted groups allowing you to remind those
    potential participants of a group who did not respond yet. Please note, that
    this reminder can only be triggered once per group. It will send out the
    current invitation mail text with a prefixed e-mail subject indicating it as
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.. _recruitment-appointments:

Make appointments for sessions

.. note::

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    This describes setting up appointments **for** the participants manually by
    Castellum users. There is also a guide on how to use the optional external
    scheduler feature in Castellum that offers potential participants to select
    appointments by themselves: :ref:`make-appointments-with-external-scheduler`.

If you are recruiting for a study that has at least one session Castellum allows
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you to set up appointments for the participants:
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1. In recruitment click on **Contact** in the *Open* list or on **Review** in the
   *Participating* list to get the details of the participant. Go to the tab

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2. The tab **Appointments** offers a date and time field for every session of
   the study. Click and populate those session fields that need to be appointed
   at this moment.

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   .. hint::
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       Study execution provides the same feature to make appointments with
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       participating subjects. Thus, this can also be done by study conductors.
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3. The **Calendar** button in the **Appointments** tab opens a new window and
   allows you to have a look at all already appointed sessions of the study.
   This calendar will also show appointments of resources if they are connected
   to a study session (see :ref:`study-sessions`).
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    Castellum only detects appointment collisions for connected resources! In
    other words Castellum allows you to save various concurrent appointments if
    the session doesn't have a resource connected.

.. _recruitment-cleanup:

Cleanup open list in recruitment

The open list in study recruitment can become quite large and noisy if you are 
waiting for many responses and/or failed to reach many potential participants. 
Therefore, Castellum provides a cleanup feature:

1. Scroll down to the end of the open list in recruitment and click on 
2. Decide if you want to cleanup the *complete* open list (**All**) or 
   only those potential participants whose status is marked as 
   **Awaiting response** for more than 10 days. The third option allows you to 
   run potentially modified recruitment filters on the list (**Mismatch**). This 
   allows to cleanup those who do not match anymore. A click on either of these 
   buttons will start the cleanup process.
3. After cleaning up the affected potential participants will be moved to the 
   **Excluded** list with the additional tag **Excluded by cleanup**. This may 
   allow you to reconsider contacting some of them.

The open list also gets quickly populated by mail recruitment (if set up) with 
many potential participants with the status **Awaiting response**. Thus, 
Castellum additionally allows to cleanup by mail batches:

1. Go to the **Mail** tab in recruitment and select an appropriate entry of the 
   **Previous mails** list. Select **Cleanup**.
2. Confirm that you want to cleanup all potential participants of the mail batch 
   who did not respond.