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pseudonyms.rst 859 B
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Bengfort's avatar
Bengfort committed
.. _subject-by-pseudonym:

Find subject by study pseudonym

1.  Click on **Studies** on the front page
2.  In the list of studies, find the study and click **Execution**
3.  Go to the **By pseudonym** tab
4.  Enter the pseudonym. If there is more than one study domain, you also have
    to select the correct domain.

Hayat's avatar
Hayat committed
.. _subject-get-pseudonym:

Bengfort's avatar
Bengfort committed
Get the pseudonyms of a subject
Hayat's avatar
Hayat committed

1.  Click on **Studies** on the front page
Bengfort's avatar
Bengfort committed
2.  In the list of studies, find the study and click **Execution**
Hayat's avatar
Hayat committed
3.  In the list of participating subjects, click **Details**
4.  In the subject overview, the pseudonym is listed among the subject's
    contact data and operational hints

.. note::
    The pseudonyms are only shown once you click a button. Each access to a
    pseudonym is monitored to detect abuse.