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Track ethics approval

Bengfort requested to merge track-ethics-approval into main

I didn't want to include the URLs to a bunch of internal tools to the code itself, so the next steps can be configured. I also made it so that different next steps can be included for different departments, e.g. CHM can get other next steps than ARC. This resulted in quite a bit of complexity. Here are a few examples:

If there are no next steps:

Thank you for storing the ethics application and approval for your study 1-asd. The RDM team has confirmed that the documents match the registered study. You are now eligible proceed with our study.

More information on various aspects of the study organization can be found in MAX:

If there is a single next step:

Thank you for storing the ethics application and approval for your study 1-asd. The RDM team has confirmed that the documents match the registered study. You are now eligible proceed with our study, e.g. Recruit participants via Castellum (

More information on various aspects of the study organization can be found in MAX:

If there are multiple next steps:

Thank you for storing the ethics application and approval for your study 1-asd. The RDM team has confirmed that the documents match the registered study. You are now eligible proceed with our study, e.g.:

More information on various aspects of the study organization can be found in MAX:

Edited by Bengfort

Merge request reports