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remove Study.is_anonymous_invitation

Hayat requested to merge 2582-remove-anonymous-invitation into main

The migration is still missing since it's not yet clear if we...

  1. want to delete all anonymous invitations
  2. convert all anonymous invitations to normal studies
  3. stretch this feature over two release and only remove the ability to create new anonymous invitations in the first release, so that we can delete the rest of the feature at a later time when there are very probably no anonyous invitations in use any more.

Pros and Cons of each point:

  1. we can only delete all AIs if no one is using them. Do we know anything about usage?
  2. this would guarantee that no data is lost, but might not be what users expect.
  3. this is the most complicated way to do it, but also the least risky one.
Edited by Hayat

Merge request reports