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consistent geo configuration

Bengfort requested to merge geo-optionality into main

For simplicity, there are no optional dependencies, with one exception: Nominatim is useless without data. Importing data is a lot of work. So wo cannot depend on nominatim.

I was not sure how to deal with that. I finally arrive at the following structure:

  • The geofilters app is not included in INSTALLED_APPS by default
  • For development, geocoding is mocked by creating random geolocations as part of create_demo_content
  • In example deployment, everything is configured but will not work without importing data.
  • Staging inherits the confguration from example deployment as well as the demo content from development. This should work well enough but could lead to error messages in the cron log when the server attempts to execute the geocoding script.

I decided not to fall back to because we cannot guarantee to comply with the usage policy.

Including few things in the default settings but many things in the example deployment is consistent with how we deal with LDAP and django-axes.

Edited by Bengfort

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