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1493 GDPR tab

Bengfort requested to merge 1493-gdpr-tab into master

This combines the subject delete and export views under a new "GDPR" tab with sidebar navigation, very similar to recruitment settings in study management.

Some notes:

  • Currently, the GDPR view is the export view. We might want to differentiate these.
  • There are at most two entries in the sidebar. If the user does not have the permissions for delete, it is only one entry. It feels weird to have an extra navigation for this few entries.
  • I was not sure which permissions to check for the tab. Since the tab goes directly to export, the tab is shown when the user has the permissions for that view. So if a user has the permissions for delete but not for export, there is no way to get there in the UI (the view is still accessible if you know the URL).
  • I am not completely sure if a "GDPR" tab works on a conceptual level: I understand that delete and export are prominent cases of GDPR-related actions. But there can be many other, e.g. correcting contact information, deleting individual attributes, ….
Edited by Bengfort

Merge request reports