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dotsX_JQK_170320_cb.m 17.5 KiB
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% core function for drawing random dots motion on presentation screen
function [frames,dotInfo, ExperimentProtocol] = dotsX_JQK_170320_cb(screenInfo,dotInfo,targets,indCond,ExperimentProtocol)
% DOTSX display dots or targets on screen
% [frames,rseed,start_time,end_time,response,response_time] = dotsX(screenInfo,dotInfo,targets)
% For information on minimum fields of screenInfo and dotInfo arguments, see
% also openExperiment and createDotInfo. The input argument - "targets" is not
% necessary unless showing targets with the dots. Since rex only likes integers, 
% almost everything is in visual degrees * 10.
%   dotInfo.numDotField     number of dot patches that will be shown on screen
%   dotInfo.coh             vertical vectors, dots coherence (0...999) for each 
%                           dot patch
%   dotInfo.speed           vertical vectors, dots speed (10th deg/sec) for each 
%                           dot patch
%   dotInfo.dir             vertical vectors, dots direction (degrees) for each 
%                           dot patch
%   dotInfo.dotSize         size of dots in pixels, same for all patches
%   dotInfo.movingDotColor  color of dots in RGB for moving dots, same for all patches
%   dotInfo.randomDotColor  color of dots in RGB for random dots, same for all patches
%   dotInfo.maxDotsPerFrame determined by testing video card
%   dotInfo.apXYD           x, y coordinates, and diameter of aperture(s) in 
%                           visual degrees          
%   dotInfo.maxDotTime      optional to set maximum duration (sec). If not provided, 
%                           dot presentation is terminated only by user response
%   dotInfo.trialtype       1 fixed duration, 2 reaction time
%   dotInfo.keys            a set of keyboard buttons that can terminate the 
%                           presentation of dots (optional)
%   dotInfo.mouse           a set of mouse buttons that can terminate the 
%                           presentation of dots (optional)
%   screenInfo.curWindow    window pointer on which to plot dots
%       center of the screen in pixels
%   screenInfo.ppd          pixels per visual degree
%   screenInfo.monRefresh   monitor refresh value
%   screenInfo.dontclear    If set to 1, flip will not clear the framebuffer 
%                           after Flip - this allows incremental drawing of 
%                           stimuli. Needs to be zero for dots to be erased.
%   screenInfo.rseed        random # seed, can be empty set[] 
%   targets.rects           dimensions for drawOval
%   targets.colors          color of targets
%            optional, if only showing certain targets but don't
%                           want to change targets structure (index number of 
%                           targets) to be shown during dots
% Algorithm:
%   All calculations take place within a square aperture in which the dots are 
% shown. The dots are constructed in 3 sets that are plotted in sequence.  For 
% each set, the probability that a dot is replotted in motion -- as opposed to 
% randomly replaced -- is given by the dotInfo.coh value. This routine generates 
% a set of dots as an (ndots,2) matrix of locations, and then plots them.  In 
% plotting the next set of dots (e.g., set 2), it prepends the preceding set 
% (e.g., set 1).

% created by MKMK July 2006, based on ShadlenDots by MNS, JIG and others

% Structures are not altered in this function, so should not have memory
% problems from matlab creating new structures.


if nargin < 3
    targets = [];
    showtar = [];
    if isfield(targets,'show')
        showtar =;
        showtar = 1:size(targets.rects,1);

curWindow = screenInfo.curWindow;
white = [255 255 255];

if isfield(dotInfo,'movingDotColor')
  movingDotColor = dotInfo.movingDotColor;
  movingDotColor = white;

if isfield(dotInfo,'randomDotColor')
  randomDotColor = dotInfo.randomDotColor;
  randomDotColor = white;

% set new random seed at each iteration and retain seed
rng(sum(100*clock), 'twister');
[dotInfo.curSeed{indCond}] = rng;

% Query the frame duration
ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', curWindow);

% This only matters if using mouse. If dotInfo.mouse doesn't exist, this is
% never checked.
if dotInfo.trialtype(2) == 2
    waitpress = 1; % 1 means wait for a mouse press
    waitpress = 0; % 0 means wait for release

% In order to find out if using keypress or mouse, all trials should have spacekey
% for abort, unless its a demo. Spacekey means end experiment after this trial - 
% sends abort message to experiment.

keys = [];
abort = [];
if isfield(dotInfo, 'keyLeft')
    keys = [dotInfo.keyLeft dotInfo.keyRight];
elseif isfield(dotInfo, 'keySpace')
    abort = nan;

% mouse
if isfield(dotInfo, 'mouse')
    mouse = dotInfo.mouse;
    mouse = [];

start_time = NaN;
end_time= NaN;
response = {NaN, NaN, NaN};
response_time = NaN;

if isfield(targets,'select')
    h =,1);
    k =,2);
    r =,3);

% Create the aperture square
%apRect = floor(createTRect(dotInfo.apXYD, screenInfo));

apD = dotInfo.apXYD(:,3); % diameter of aperture
center = repmat(,size(dotInfo.apXYD(:,1)));

% Change x,y coordinates to pixels (y is inverted - pos on bottom, neg. on top)
center = [center(:,1) + dotInfo.apXYD(:,1)/10*screenInfo.ppd center(:,2) - ...
    dotInfo.apXYD(:,2)/10*screenInfo.ppd]; % where you want the center of the aperture
center(:,3) = dotInfo.apXYD(:,3)/2/10*screenInfo.ppd; % add diameter
d_ppd = floor(apD/10 * screenInfo.ppd);	% size of aperture in pixels
dotSize = dotInfo.dotSize; % probably better to leave this in pixels, but not sure

% ndots is the number of dots shown per video frame. Dots will be placed in a 
% square of the size of aperture.
% - Size of aperture = Apd*Apd/100  sq deg
% - Number of dots per video frame = 16.7 dots per sq deg/sec,
% When rounding up, do not exceed the number of dots that can be plotted in a 
% video frame (dotInfo.maxDotsPerFrame). maxDotsPerFrame was originally in 
% setupScreen as a field in screenInfo, but makes more sense in createDotInfo as 
% a field in dotInfo.
ndots = min(dotInfo.maxDotsPerFrame, ...
    ceil(16.7 * apD .* apD * 0.01 / screenInfo.monRefresh));

%% prepare checkerboard
white = 255;
black = 0;
grey = 0; % note that background is also black
% Query the frame duration
ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', curWindow);
% Screen resolution in Y
screenYpix = screenInfo.screenRect(4)-200;
% Number of white/black circle pairs
rcycles = 8;
% Number of white/black angular segment pairs (integer)
tcycles = 26;
% Now we make our checkerboard pattern
xylim = 2 * pi * rcycles;
xylim_small = 1 * pi * rcycles;
[x, y] = meshgrid(-xylim: 2 * xylim / (screenYpix - 1): xylim,...
    -xylim: 2 * xylim / (screenYpix - 1): xylim);
at = atan2(y, x);
checks = ((1 + sign(sin(at * tcycles) + eps)...
    .* sign(sin(sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2)))) / 2) * (white - black) + black;
circle = x.^2 + y.^2 <= xylim^2 & x.^2 + y.^2 >= xylim_small^2;
checks = circle .* checks + grey * ~circle;
% % Now we make this into a PTB texture
% radialCheckerboardTexture(1)  = Screen('MakeTexture', curWindow, checkerContrast.*checks);
% radialCheckerboardTexture(2)  = Screen('MakeTexture', curWindow, 1 - checkerContrast.*checks);
% set starting texture cue
textureCue = [1 2];
brightPixels = find(checks == 255);
darkPixels = find(checks ~= 255 & circle == 1);

% determine update frequency of the two contents

% checkFlipTimeSecs = 1/dotInfo.Hz_BG;
% checkFlipTimeFrames = round(checkFlipTimeSecs / ifi);
frameCounter = 0;
cbframeCounter = 0;
cbFlip = 1;

RDMFlipTimeSecs = 1/dotInfo.Hz_RDM;
RDMFlipTimeFrames = round(RDMFlipTimeSecs / ifi);

%% get display size (for BG dots)

sizeX = screenInfo.screenRect(3);
sizeY = screenInfo.screenRect(4);

dontclear = screenInfo.dontclear;

% The main loop
frames = 0;
priorityLevel = MaxPriority(curWindow,'KbCheck');

% Make sure the fixation still on
for i = showtar


%% get starting parameters

currentSegment = 1;
coh = dotInfo.coh{indCond}(currentSegment)./1000;
direction = dotInfo.dir{indCond}(currentSegment);
time = dotInfo.presTime{indCond}(currentSegment);
Contrast = dotInfo.Contrast(indCond);

% Create checkerboard textures according to contrast
checks1 = checks;        
checks1(brightPixels) = 255.*Contrast;
checks2 = checks;
checks2(brightPixels) = 0;
checks2(darkPixels) = 255.*Contrast;
radialCheckerboardTexture(1)  = Screen('MakeTexture', curWindow, checks1);
radialCheckerboardTexture(2)  = Screen('MakeTexture', curWindow, checks2);

% How dots are presented: 1st group of dots are shown in the first frame, a 2nd 
% group are shown in the second frame, a 3rd group shown in the third frame.
% Then in the next (4th) frame, some percentage of the dots from the 1st frame 
% are replotted according to the speed/direction and coherence. Similarly, the 
% same is done for the 2nd group, etc.

% initialize dot fields
for df = 1 : dotInfo.numDotField
    ss{df} = rand(ndots(df)*3, 2); % array of dot positions raw [x,y]
    % Divide dots into three sets
    Ls{df} = cumsum(ones(ndots(df),3)) + repmat([0 ndots(df) ndots(df)*2], ... 
        ndots(df), 1);
    loopi(df) = 1; % loops through the three sets of dots

%% set up loop and start it (all RDM changes within block)

TimeStamping = [];
StartTime = GetSecs();
BlockOnset = StartTime;

ExperimentProtocol = [ExperimentProtocol; {'BlockOnset'}, {StartTime}, {[]}, {[]}, {[]}, {coh}, {direction},{Contrast}]
ExperimentProtocol = [ExperimentProtocol; {'RDMUpdate'}, {StartTime}, {[]}, {[]}, {[]}, {coh}, {direction},{Contrast}]

% initiate response cue
KbQueueCreate; KbQueueStart;
while currentSegment <= numel(dotInfo.presTime{indCond})
    for df = 1:dotInfo.numDotField

        % update movement field with current direction
        % dxdy is an N x 2 matrix that gives jumpsize in units on 0..1
        % deg/sec * ap-unit/deg * sec/jump = ap-unit/jump
        dxdy{df} = repmat((dotInfo.speed(df)/10) * (10/apD(df)) * ...
        (3/screenInfo.monRefresh) * [cos(pi*direction(df)/180.0), ...
        -sin(pi*direction(df)/180.0)], ndots(df),1);    
        % ss is the matrix with 3 sets of dot positions, dots from the last 2 
        %   positions and current dot positions
        % Ls picks out the set (e.g., with 5 dots on the screen at a time, 1:5, 
        %   6:10, or 11:15)
        % Lthis has the dot positions from 3 frames ago, which is what is then
        Lthis{df}  = Ls{df}(:,loopi(df));
        % Moved in the current loop. This is a matrix of random numbers - starting 
        % positions of dots not moving coherently.
        this_s{df} = ss{df}(Lthis{df},:);
        % Update the loop pointer
        loopi(df) = loopi(df)+1;
        if loopi(df) == 4
            loopi(df) = 1;
        % Compute new locations, how many dots move coherently
        L = rand(ndots(df),1) < coh(df);
        % Offset the selected dots
        this_s{df}(L,:) = bsxfun(@plus,this_s{df}(L,:),dxdy{df}(L,:));
        if sum(~L) > 0
            this_s{df}(~L,:) = rand(sum(~L),2);	% get new random locations for the rest
        % Check to see if any positions are greater than 1 or less than 0 which 
        % is out of the square aperture, and replace with a dot along one of the
        % edges opposite from the direction of motion.
        N = sum((this_s{df} > 1 | this_s{df} < 0)')' ~= 0;
        if sum(N) > 0
            xdir = sin(pi*direction(df)/180.0);
            ydir = cos(pi*direction(df)/180.0);
            % Flip a weighted coin to see which edge to put the replaced dots
            if rand < abs(xdir)/(abs(xdir) + abs(ydir))
                this_s{df}(find(N==1),:) = [rand(sum(N),1),(xdir > 0)*ones(sum(N),1)];
                this_s{df}(find(N==1),:) = [(ydir < 0)*ones(sum(N),1),rand(sum(N),1)];
        % Convert for plot
        this_x{df} = floor(d_ppd(df) * this_s{df});	% pix/ApUnit
        % It assumes that 0 is at the top left, but we want it to be in the 
        % center, so shift the dots up and left, which means adding half of the 
        % aperture size to both the x and y directions.
        dot_show{df} = (this_x{df} - d_ppd(df)/2)';
    %% After all computations, flip to draw dots from the previous loop. 
    % For the first call, this doesn't draw anything.
    vbl = Screen('Flip', curWindow,0,dontclear);
    TimeStamping = [TimeStamping; vbl];
    %% update checkerboard
    % Increment the counter
    frameCounter = frameCounter + 1;
    cbframeCounter = cbframeCounter + 1;
    % Reverse the texture cue to show the other polarity if the time is up
    % measured according to specified frequency
    if ~mod(cbframeCounter, dotInfo.UpdatesJitter{indCond}(cbFlip))
        textureCue = fliplr(textureCue);
        cbFlip = cbFlip + 1;
        cbframeCounter = 0;
    % Draw our texture to the screen
    Screen('DrawTexture', curWindow, radialCheckerboardTexture(textureCue(1)));

    %% Draw random dots if it's time to update, although nothing is flipped yet    
    if ~mod(frameCounter, RDMFlipTimeFrames)
        for df = 1:dotInfo.numDotField
            % NaN out-of-circle dots                
            xyDis = dot_show{df};
            outCircle = sqrt(xyDis(1,:).^2 + xyDis(2,:).^2) + dotInfo.dotSize/2 > center(df,3);        
            dots2Display = dot_show{df};
            dots2Display(:,outCircle) = NaN;
            % Screen('DrawDots',curWindow,dots2Display,dotSize,movingDotColor,center(df,1:2));
            movingDots = dots2Display(:,L);
            randomDots = dots2Display(:,~L);
            if size(movingDots,2) > 0
            if size(randomDots,2) > 0
        % Draw targets
        for i = showtar
    %% check for responses
    [keyIsDown, firstPress, ~, ~, ~] = KbQueueCheck;
    % encode response
    % Note that encoding here might break the update frequency as
    % the computations take some time. They are necessary however
    % to give instant feedback. In any case, this should only
    % affect the cycle on which feedback is received.
    if keyIsDown == 1
        kp = find(firstPress);
        rt = firstPress(kp)-StartTime; % reference to onset of last interval
        % encode accuracy
        if kp == 80 && direction == 180 % response left
            tmp_response = 1;
        elseif kp == 79 && direction == 0 % response right
            tmp_response = 1;
            tmp_response = 0;
        ExperimentProtocol = [ExperimentProtocol; {'Resp'}, {firstPress(kp)}, {rt}, {kp}, {tmp_response}, {coh}, {direction}, {Contrast}];
    end; % end of response encode loop
    %% Prepare next dots presentation
    % Tell PTB to get ready while doing computations for next dots presentation
    %Screen('BlendFunction', curWindow, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
    for df = 1 : dotInfo.numDotField
        % Update the dot position array for the next loop
        ss{df}(Lthis{df}, :) = this_s{df};
    % Advance to next RDM state if time has passed
    if GetSecs()-StartTime >= dotInfo.presTime{indCond}(currentSegment)
        currentSegment = currentSegment + 1;
        if currentSegment > numel(dotInfo.coh{indCond}) % amount of segments exceeded
        coh = dotInfo.coh{indCond}(currentSegment)./1000;
        direction = dotInfo.dir{indCond}(currentSegment);
        time = dotInfo.presTime{indCond}(currentSegment);
        StartTime = GetSecs();
        ExperimentProtocol = [ExperimentProtocol; {'RDMUpdate'}, {StartTime}, {[]}, {[]}, {[]}, {coh}, {direction}, {Contrast}]
    % User may terminate the dots by pressing certain keyboard keys defined by
    % "keys". Pressing the escape key will exit the experiment
    if not(isempty(keys))
        [exitKeyPressed, ~, keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = checkKeys(dotInfo);
        if keyIsDown
            % Exit experiment
            if exitKeyPressed
                response{3} = -1;
            % End trial, have response
            if numel(find(keyCode)) == 1 && any(keyCode(keys))
                response{3} = find(keyCode(keys));
                response_time = secs;


% Present the last frame of dots

% Erase the last frame of dots, but leave up fixation and targets (if targets 
% are up). Make sure the fixation still on.

end_time = GetSecs;