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checkKeys_byKeyB.m 2.67 KiB
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Julian Kosciessa's avatar
Julian Kosciessa committed
% Allow the experimenter to advance or exit the presentation
% In testing or development mode the presentation can be advanced by
% pressing expInfo.keyReturn and exited by pressing expInfo.keyEscape.
% In deployed mode the keys must be pressed in combination with a
% modifier stored in expInfo.keyModifier to prevent accidental key presses
% of the subject advancing or exiting the experiment.
% Input
% expInfo | experiment configuration generated by createDotInfo (struct)
% Output
%   exitKeyPressed | expInfo.keyEscape was pressed (logical)
% resumeKeyPressed | expInfo.keyReturn was pressed (logical)
%        keyIsDown | if any key, including modifiers is down (logical)
%             secs | time of keypress as returned by GetSecs (numeric)
%          keyCode | represents the pressed keys (array of logicals)
function [exitKeyPressed, resumeKeyPressed, keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = checkKeys_byKeyB(expInfo, keyboard)

  resumeKeyPressed = false;
  exitKeyPressed = false;
  deployed = expInfo.deployed;
  [keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = KbCheck(keyboard);

  %% Key codes for german/swiss-german(?) keyboard on Windows
  %% LeftAlt = [18 164]
  %% AltGr = [17 18 162 165]
  %% LeftControl  = [17 162]
  %% RightControl = [17 163]
  %% Key codes for german/swiss-german(?) keyboard on OS X
  %% LeftCmd = [227]
  %% RightCmd = [231]
  %% On Windows Psychtoolbox returns two key codes for modifier keys.
  %% For the left control key it returns 17 which is the generic key
  %% code for control key and also 162 which the key code specific
  %% for the left control key.
  %% On OS X Psychtoolbox returns a single key code for modifier keys.
  %% As a workaround for this inconsistency we remove the generic
  %% modifier key codes for shift (16), alt (17) and control (18).
  if ispc
    keyCodeGenMod = [16 17 18];
    keyCode(keyCodeGenMod) = 0;
    % if we had integer key codes, but kbcheck returns a binary key code
    % keyCode = keyCode(not(ismember(keyCode,keyCodeGenMod)));

  if keyIsDown
    if deployed
      keyModIsDown = any(keyCode(expInfo.keyModifier));
      keyModIsDown = true;
    if any(keyCode(expInfo.keyReturn))
      resumeKeyPressed = true;
    if keyModIsDown && keyCode(expInfo.keyEscape)
      exitKeyPressed = true;