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.. _access-calendar-feeds:

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List available calendars

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To access the calendar feeds overview page add "/feeds/" to the URL of the
TiG's avatar
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castellum start page and confirm.
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Find the different types of calendars
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1.  Under "Per User" find user-specific feeds:

    -   "all follow-ups" lists, in a single calendar, all follow-ups from all studies where you are a member.
    -   "all appointments" shows, in a single calendar, all appointments from all studies where you are a member.

2.  Under "Per Study", find all appointments for each study where you are a member.

3.  Under "Per Resource" find all occupied slots for all resources.

    -   The list of resources is configurable by your institution (TODO link to resources guide)

Reset user tokens
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TiG committed

Each calendar feed URL contains a token that uniquely identifies you so you can
access feeds that would not be available to other users.

If another person gains access to that token they can consequently access
confidential information from castellum. So in that case the token needs to be

An administrator can delete the token in the admin UI. A new one will be
generated automatically.