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run collectstatic in Dockerfile

Bengfort requested to merge 2018-05-tb-collectstatic-in-dockerfile into master

This is an alternative for !23 (closed). So now we have three options how to run collectstatic:

  1. current master: the static files are not included in the dockerfile. collectstatic must be executed by the admin, e.g. in a docker-compose file.
  2. this: the static files are included in the web container. Just like in (1), they need to be made available to nginx, e.g. using a volume.
  3. !23 (closed): the process is split into two steps: First, we execute collectstatic. Second, we build two docker containers: One with the application code and another containing nginx and the static files.

When comparing (2) and (3) I see two major questions:

  • Should the static files be grouped with the application (group by topic) or with nginx (group by functionality)?
  • Should we execute collectstatic on the source code inside docker (simple) or should we run collectstatic (and build a wheel) outside of docker and then install them (clean)?

I personally prefer the topic/simple combination. We can still build a more complex/clean solution if it becomes necessary.

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